Good Friday
On my usual walk, I saw a homeless woman I've seen periodically for the past few years. When she first arrived, or when I first noticed her, she looked young, vibrant and healthy. Time and the streets have taken their toll and it is heartbreaking. But at least she is still alive.
Outside our regular coffee house, she approached politely and asked from a distance if I might have extra change so she could get something to drink. Her accent suggested she was from India. Her teeth were ravaged either by drugs or poor hygiene, I don't know which.
I ended up buying her a large coffee and something to eat. It's Good Friday. the least we can do is be good to each other.
I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this phenomenon, but for some reason the days are flying by. I guess it's because I'm finding things to do and staying productive, and perhaps that productivity is keeping my mind healthy. At least during the day.
I've been having a lot of vivid dreams that all involve social distancing. In one dream, I saw Beck, and waved to him from a safe distance. Last night I dreamt I was in Toronto with co-workers who wouldn't retain a safe distance. I woke up in a sweat. It is not out of question to blame the media for this. There is no escaping the message on regular TV. This is why I have stopped watching regular TV and have switched instead to old movies.
It's been raining non-stop in Los Angeles. The most consecutive days of rain the city has seen since 1983. The ocean is colored slate. My hands are either hot-damp from hand washing or cold-damp from rain.

We feed the crows every morning. This one was rain slicked. If ever there is trouble, a murder of crows will show up to defend us.

I think they just painted this house. Compared to the sky, the blue and white was jarring.
Overall it is a nice day.
Except for one stupid thing. I can't find any yeast. None. None in stores. None on Amazon. None on specialty sites. I read that the sale of yeast has increased between 300% and 600% since we started the lockdown. On eBay, they are auctioning it off for 18 dollars a pop. I might try a local brewery to see if I can get some brewer's yeast. It's a long shot. If not, I guess I'll make a sourdough starter. Although that takes a good five days and a lot of flour to make. Probably not worth it, considering I have a few loves in the freezer.