Three Marm Brewery

I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I make sure it's local and that I can cook with it.

Despite my American upbringing and my German and Celtic background, somehow I inherited a continental taste for wine over beer. Maybe it's because I don't like burping or gaining stomach fat or knowing that once I "break the seal," I'm done for.
All that being said, I love my wife. And since she is from Northern Europe, beer is her stock and trade. So we compromise. The closest I've gotten her to wine is rosé, which is fine. If I am in a brewery, I'll hope they have a pilsner or something light.
But now that I've been to Three Marm Brewery which is in the San Bernardino mountains and not all that far from where we live, I might be rethinking that. Djinn's Hellabrew (pronounced like Gin) is their flagship beer and one that is infused with habanero. The spice hits you in the back of the throat and it stimulates your digestion much like a good aperitif.
The founder and owner suggested it works well as a whitefish marinade and I can totally see that. But I didn't have fish on hand so I coated some chicken wings with it and I also aded some dashes of paprika, smoked paprika, garlic powder and a touch of salt and a dash of vinegar. And i marinaded it for four hours.
I would have grilled it but i don't have a grill so I cooked them in the oven on an oil-brushed aluminum foil covered pan at 450 for 30 minutes or until they reached perfect temperature. And yeah, they were perfect.
I'm sure if you are a grill master, you could do better, but come on. You wouldn't kick these out of bed for eating crackers and you know it.