Looking lost in Chinatown
This week I'm staying in a hotel in San Francisco's Chinatown. Twenty stories below, they should be making happy preparations for the Lunar New Year. Instead, almost everyone I see is wearing masks, hopefully out of an overabundance of precaution because of the coronavirus. Here's hoping that the virus is contained and more people get well. My heart goes out to China.
I also cant think of the word "Chinatown," without thinking of Luna, who I am going to see tonight, with the family. It's wee one's first live Luna show and she's been listening to them all day. I always loved this song, and the rest of their album Penthouse. Like the rest of the album, it exudes New York effortlessly. Every time I listen to it, I'm reminded of the days when I briefly lived there.
Looking lost in Chinatown
Why are we hiding from our friends
Rushing 'round in taxi cabs
Is it time to make amends
I never thought I'd be here at this point in my life, flying past another February birthday with so much madness in the world and yet still happily being able to see one of my favorite bands still playing live after all these years.
You're out all night
Chasin' girlies
You're late to work
And you go home earlies
The President gave a State of the Union address last night that was either one of the most patriotic and powerful demonstrations of leadership the country has ever seen, or one of the most Reality Television-esque, horrible spectacle of racism, narcissism and crass non-leadership by someone who obviously should be in a gulag. In other words, it's America The Usual, and there is no in-between.
In other words, New Roman Times becomes more relevant every day.

Four hours to Luna liftoff.