Marcel The Drunkard

There was a study published a few years back that stated we stop listening to new music around age 33. I think for anyone who really loves new music, this is complete horse shit.

In a recent reddit AMA, George Clinton was asked what he was listening to recently. When he mentioned Cardi B the responses were one of bemusement. A few months before Lou Reed died, he wrote a glowing review of Kanye's Yeezus.

According to this so-called study these musical icons should have been stuck in the past. And while no doubt there are a few musicians out there who are uninterested in the new musical landscape it's hard to believe every last person is like that.

And while there are certain security blankets I'll always throw on, or a few hundred songs I'd need with me on a desert island, I'm sure as hell not done with listening to new music. There is a caveat to that, however.

I hate playlists created by algorithm. I want to know there's a real curator behind the scenes. So when Robert Pollard posts a mix on Spotify, I'll listen. But when it comes to playing a "chill" station or whatever, I can't be arsed.

Quick tangent:

Despite having been a musician, I've always considered myself a professional writer first and foremost. I don't know if this is true of other writers/artists but I draw my inspiration from a media other than my own chosen one. I'm inspired by music and visual art to create writing. Reading a book might touch me emotionally, but it doesn't inspire me to write. I think it's because in that moment I'd feel like I was somehow stealing from another author, if not in specific words than at least in the intention. When I draw inspiration from a song or a painting or whatever, then I'm free to translate it and make it my own. If I were a musician I'd be drawing inspiration from a book, or art, but not other musicians. It's kind of like working in a half vacuum.

Getting back on topic: A few weeks ago I found something on YouTube that's actually worth sharing: Marcel The Drunkard. This channel is run by an artist who posts mainly funk/jazz with a twist. Artists send him the work (as far as I can tell, they are sharing it legally, so it's not exploiting the artists) and he paints something while the albums play. "Marcel The Drunkard," is a character. As far as I can tell he's in actuality a Belgian art student.

What I love is you get the visual benefit of listening to great music while watching an artist paint. I like his style, too. There's something calming about the experience. Granted, I have to be in the mood for this kind of music but I've discovered some great bands this way. The German jazz combo Hotel Metropole is probably my favorite. The channel is great if you need to work and concentrate but still want some music that doesn't fade into the background too much. And since it's nearly all instrumental it's perfect for people like me who can't write when there is conversation or lyrics floating around me.

Here's some news: A-Sides and B-Sides which is available on iBook as well as Amazon and also Kobo and Nook will soon be available as a paperback.