Santiago Dreams
I have a strange attraction to South America. In college, I studied Latin American history and Latin American music. I visited Brazil twice. Because of my advertising profession, I've been fortunate enough to work in Buenos Aires, and go on production for a Mazda spot in Chile.
Chile was not admittedly on my list of places to see. But from the moment I got there, I was charmed by it. The city is hot and smoggy, so it reminds me of L.A., but the people were mellow and sweet.
Everyone I met was genuine, and had a sort of oft-kilter sense of humor that only comes from living in a country where the pendulum of government style swings wildly. A sense of humor in that context will take you far. This is also true of the Brazilians and Argentinians I've known.
To hear about the unrest taking place in Chile now, an unrest which was already fomenting last year makes me sad for the people I know and worked with there.
It also makes me sad as a fellow traveler because Santiago has one of the nicest boutique hotels I have ever had the pleasure of staying at, and that was the Hotel Bidasoa.
Imagine a Latin American mid-century modern hotel and you are starting to get a good image of it. It was also eco-friendly, and the food was amazing there. The hotel was family owned and passed down through generations. I really hope they manage to weather this storm.
When all this craziness ends, if you happen to be going to Santiago, you must go there.

The surrounding areas are jaw-droppingly beautiful. Words do not do it justice.

Thankfully, memories (and VFX partners) do. (Yeah I'm small. So what.)