The Perfect Disaster (T.V. Girl on fire)
"I know I have to search the universe its true I'm sure there's no one else on Earth quite like you. Love like yours is hard to find. And I'm over the moon that yours is mine."
I was talking to someone on twitter about Lou Reed's decidedly hit-and-miss career. This person took the position that Metal Machine Music was infinitely more listenable than Lulu. I am inclined to think both are pretentious, but I'd still applaud any artist who tries something and fails than one who corrupts their essence in a cheap bid for cash. That doesn't mean I want to listen to either album, though.
Looking at a career littered with so many half-assed turds Lou Reed's Velvet Underground influence changed the course of music in so many ways it's cliché to point it out.
This track is a perfect example of Velvet/Reed influence. The staccato strings are straight from "Street Hassle." The lyrics deceptively sweet as if Mo Tucker should be singing. As I write this at 6:56AM, I also find it's good "waking up" music..